Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ground Crew...

My marketing tip last week hit a raw nerve.

My point was: putting your advertising in a holding pattern because of the recession is dangerous -- if a plane circles too long it will run out of gas.

Let's look at that more this week...

One reader pointed out the impact on others: "Take too long to land and the ground crew may go home. And who wants to land at an abandoned airport?"

Another angle was: The media people can only spend what they have: "Buy from us, so we can buy from them so they can buy from you."

Another: Why does a retailer that doesn't advertise always advertise their going out of business sale? (How about a "Going Out FOR Business" sale?)

And finally: Advertising is on sale today. Stock up.

Takeaway: The longer you wait to resume ad spending, the greater the potential long term damages.


cheryl howard said...

I think the idea that consumers don't want to buy is a myth. Consumers want to buy--but do they want to buy what you offer? The key is to find out what they plan to buy (or need to buy). Good marketing will demonstrate how you offer what they will need. It's win-win. If they aren't buying now, make sure they remember you when they start. Also, be flexible--perhaps refurbished parts, handling recyclables, supporting a community activity--all ways to be remembered when they money in the wallet.

Phil Sasso said...

Very good point.

I've read that even some higher priced brands are doing well despite the recession, too. How? It seems when money is short some people would rather pay a little more for a trustworthy brand than to take a risk on an unknown one.

And what brands are viewed as most trustworthy?

The ones that advertise the most!
