Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Internet: Ahh-Choo

Here's a virus worth catching. It's called "viral marketing." And although it sounds destructive, it's quite innocent. According to Target Marketing, it works like this: a clever or informative message is emailed to an "opt-in" list. People who find it funny or interesting then forward it to one or more friends or associates. Then each member of the group forwards it to more people. And so on. And so on. And so on... That's how it spreads -- a lot like the flu does in my home every winter.

According to 24/7 Media, an online direct marketing firm: 80% of online companies use viral marketing, 81% of recipients forward these emails, 49% forward to 2 or more people, 5 - 15% click a website or email link in the message. Corporate giants like Pepsi and are using this technique, adding "rich media" (like streaming audio/video or Flash animation) and getting great results.

Viral marketing works offline, too. Anytime you can create a buzz with your advertising, news releases, direct mail or faxes you're creating a kind of "marketing virus." However, to be really successful, be sure you're sharing meaningful information -- not just a self-serving sales pitch.

In fact, why don't you pass this tip along and watch what happens?

- Phil Sasso

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