Friday, February 19, 2010

Marketing Leap

As I watched the Winter Olympics last night I found a common thread between the skaters and snowboarders: the more time they spent airborne the more they scored.

The more time an athlete spends in air means more landings -- and the more chances to fall. It's a big risk with a big reward.

The same is true for Marketing. Some marketing strategies require that you take a big leap. The bigger the risk, the greater the potential reward.

It may be the cash investment in a new ad campaign. Or the time investment to oversee a website overhaul. Or the risk of changing your marketing message.

But doing what everyone else is doing won't get your noticed in business anymore than it will in the Olympics.  No pain, no gain as they say.

If it was easy, everyone would do it.

Takeaway:  What do you need to do to get to the next level in your business? Are you willing to take the leap?

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